Paploman’s Candid Fantasies #1

Living in a big city has its perks. Everyday I get to see lots of pretty women on the street.
Some of them impress me that much, that I make short stories in my mind about those beautiful strangers.
(Don’t judge me, if you ended up here reading this, then you probably do it, too)

Now I have the chance to share some of these stories with you here.
Every story will have two parts.
First, the woman I saw and my first thoughts about her.
And in the second part, I will illustrate the imaginary story about her.

Starting here, this is a fatty I saw. Then I’m posting the second part.
I’ll try to do this as often as possible if you like it.

Even though I finished my version of her story, it would be interesting to also listen to yours.

You can find every similar story here, by hitting on its Candid Fantasies tag!

Originally posted on Instagram and DeviantArt at January 14, 2018